Unicorn Ten Frame Cards

Ten frames, no not just any ten frames but UNICORN ten frames, are great to use to develop number sense in young kids. It is not just fun to use, but oh so pretty too! Use our FREE unicorn ten frames for fun math learning!

FREE printable unicorn-themed counting cards for preschoolers to learn ten frames. Great for a math center or a busy bag. Perfect learning activity for unicorn lovers!

Number frames like ten frames or twenty frames help children to recognise 5's, 10's or 20's in one look. Number frames makes composition and decomposition of numbers visual, thus easy to grasp. It might even jump start skip counting in 2's and 5's! When using twenty frames, it takes the learning further- making teen numbers and realising 10 +2 makes 12 etc.

Compare numbers too by filling two or more cards and see which cards is most full to visualise more and less concepts.

How to set up the unicorn ten frame activity:

Print and laminate the unicorn printables. Laminate if you wish and cut the cards. Provide mini erasers or any other small counting manipulative such as pompoms, counters, blocks even candy. This also develop fine motor and hand-eye coordination- picking up the tiny items and placing it just right inside the blocks. (Just be mindful of tiny items that might end up in a mouth or nose.)

How to use the printables:

Choose a number card and simply count out that number of erasers placing it in the frame. Go from left to right, filling the top row first and then moving onto the bottom row. Doing it this way teaches combinations of 10 as well. It is easy to see that 7 + 3 will make the frame full and that equals 10.

Although a simple activity, lots of learning takes place at once. Use our free unicorn ten frames in your Maths centre for independent and fun learning or as a quiet activity, even a busy bag activity on-the-go!

This post was contributed by:

Nadia from Teach Me Mommy

Nadia is a South African mommy of two and a therapist at an elementary remedial school. She blogs over at Teach me Mommy about easy and playful activities with the aim to teach. You can follow along on FacebookTwitterPinterest, and Instagram.

For more FREE Unicorn-themed activities, see the following posts:


Viviana is a blogging mom to a toddler, a preschooler, and a kindergartner, sharing ideas and resources for early education. She specializes in unique, hands-on printable activities that are educational, fun and inspire creativity in young minds.

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