Preschool and kindergarten kids will love these alphabet matching cards with a fun Bee theme, perfect for kids learning to identify their letters. There are two versions for uppercase matching as well as upper to lowercase. The best part of this activity? You could print and set it up like a file folder activity!

Print all pages in color or greyscale and then laminate them (you will be glad you did after the kids get their hands on the mats 😉). You can also glue the flower strips into a file folder and have them set up and ready for use year after year.
Alphabet Match Bee Cards
Kids can work on matching their uppercase – lowercase letters or they can match uppercase – uppercase letters. You also don’t need to use all the alphabet sets, you can choose groups of letter cards that you’re working on with your kids.
You can also introduce your kids to pollination and the importance of bees, and pair it with our "count and pollinate" printable activity.
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Founder of Sea of Knowledge, an ESL teacher with a passion for making learning fun and engaging. She loves creating fun activities that children and learners can benefit from. You can also find me on: Facebook and Pinterest.
useful. Thanks so much