Pumpkin Patch Bingo
This low-prep activity is perfect for your autumn homeschool preschool activities. All you need to do is print out the bingo cards and game boards. Laminate the cards and boards for durability. Cut apart the bingo cards.How to Play
3 or More Players: Have children take turns being the "caller." This player will flip over the Bingo cards. The rest of the players will search for the corresponding image on their Bingo card and cover it with a marker (mini eraser, button, or penny). Keep playing until one player covers the entire Bingo board.2 Players: Have children take turns flipping over the Bingo cards. Continue playing as described above. Play continues until one child covers his or her Bingo board.
What They're Learning
When kids play Pumpkin Patch Bingo, they're not just playing a game. They're learning, as well. They're learning how to take turns and how to work together (choosing a "caller" for instance).Preschoolers will work on their visual discrimination skills as they search for the correct image. Some of the images on these cards are similar, and kids will need to search for the right one.
Click Here to Download your FREE Pumpkin Patch BINGO Game
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Tara from Homeschool Preschool
Tara is wife to Matt and homeschool momma of three. She has successfully homeschooled her oldest two, and is currently homeschooling her youngest. Though her children are older, she is always looking for an opportunity to create educational activities and content for young learners. She blogs about homeschooling, preschool activities, and other educational topics at Homeschool Preschool.
For more Pumpkin printable activities, see the following posts:

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Tara from Homeschool Preschool
Tara is wife to Matt and homeschool momma of three. She has successfully homeschooled her oldest two, and is currently homeschooling her youngest. Though her children are older, she is always looking for an opportunity to create educational activities and content for young learners. She blogs about homeschooling, preschool activities, and other educational topics at Homeschool Preschool.
For more Pumpkin printable activities, see the following posts:

This kindergarten game is great and rewarding.