Elf on the Shelf Printable Pack for Kids

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This is the first year that my family will be doing Elf on the Shelf and I'm very excited about starting this Christmas tradition! I created these fun elf-themed printables that are great for a variety of ages. Maybe your Elf left out some of these sheets for your kids to find the next morning. However you use them, they are sure to be a hit!

FREE Elf on the Shelf pack for toddlers, preschool and kindergarten featuring dot marker sheets, coloring pages, alphabet practice, letter sounds, counting and numbers. A fun set of Christmas worksheets.

These FREE Elf on the Shelf printables are perfect for ages 2+ and include the following activities:

  • Coloring Pages (5 sheets)
  • Do-a-Dot marker sheets (3 sheets)
  • Counting 1-6
  • Counting 7-12
  • Letter Sounds matching (upper & lower case)
  • Alphabet Sequencing (4 versions)
For a huge collection of Elf on the Shelf ideas, check out this post: 100 Elf Ideas for Kids by Growing a Jeweled Rose.

Did you know that you can purchase tiny little clothes and accessories for your Elf? Check out some of the products below:

For more FREE Christmas printables, see all of our posts here:


Viviana is a blogging mom to a toddler, a preschooler, and a kindergartner, sharing ideas and resources for early education. She specializes in unique, hands-on printable activities that are educational, fun and inspire creativity in young minds.

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  1. I can't get this to load for some reason. Help please ;-)

    1. Hi,

      Depending on the file size, it may take a long time for the PDF to fully load on your screen. You can download the file even if it never loads on your screen. Once you click on the file link, there should be a menu at the top with options to print or download. If you click the download button (it looks like an arrow pointing down) you can save it to your computer. Then, open up the file on your computer and you'll be able to view the pages and print.

      I hope this helps!

  2. Thanks so much for this! This is actually the 6th yr our "Elf Alice" will be visiting us! I actually posted today about it on my blog but this is the first year my youngest will really grasp who & what she is and I can't wait! I also am homeschooling her for the first time (pre-k) and loved all you share and I just wanted to tell you thank you! Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving Off to print these sheet for my girlie.

    1. Hi Ellie,

      Thanks so much for your comment. You're very welcome and I hope your daughter enjoys the activities. Have a wonderful Holiday!

  3. what are the directions for do-a dot pages?

    1. Hi, Those pages are designed to be colored with Dot Markers, also called Bingo markers or Dabbers. The most popular brand is Do-a-Dot. They are great for toddlers and preschoolers especially because they are big chunky markers.
