Very Hungry Caterpillar Do-a-Dot Pack

My kids love it when I read them a book and then we do extension activities relating to the book. One of our favorites is the classic Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. I was very excited to create this free learning pack to be used with dot markers!

FREE printable Very Hungry Caterpillar Do-a-Dot marker learning pack to practice counting, number recognition, patterns, beginning letter sounds and more! Perfect preschool activity for Spring or for an Eric Carle theme.

This free set of Very Hungry Caterpillar Do-a-Dot printables includes the following:

-caterpillar/butterfly life cycle
-C is for caterpillar
-food discrimination
-counting 1-5
-counting & number recognition 1-12
-beginning letter sounds: upper case
-beginning letter sounds: lower case

To purchase the book or the Dot Markers, see the following affiliate links:

You may also like our free Very Hungry Caterpillar Coloring & Word Tracing Sheets:


Viviana is a blogging mom to a toddler, a preschooler, and a kindergartner, sharing ideas and resources for early education. She specializes in unique, hands-on printable activities that are educational, fun and inspire creativity in young minds.


  1. Where is the dot to dot activities for the very hungry caterpillar?

    I loved the tracing pack but I will love the dot to dot activities as well, thanks!

    1. It's Do-a-Dot (you know, with the dot markers)? Not Dot to Dot.

  2. Where's the FREE pack I can download then?

    1. Hi, to download the pack click on the text link near the bottom of the post that says "Click here to Download your Free Very Hungry Caterpillar Pack"

  3. thanks but how can i download this

    please reply soon

    1. Hi, please see my reply in the previous comment above yours. Thanks!

  4. Thank you for sharing! I love these ideas, they are just what I was looking for- WELL DONE!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

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    Nice blog thanks for sharing

  9. Thank you. I needed this quick and it sure was a blessing!

  10. Hi i really love the activities but whn i download those pop up the message said cannot access ... i dont know reason wht do i do?

  11. Wow, these are really great! They're so colorful and very much like story book! My 2 year old who loves the book will definitely love these, too! Thank you!

  12. Looking forward to having the students work on these activities. Thank you for sharing.

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