Free Board Game for Toddlers and PreK: Feed the Monkey

This board game will get your tots to practice counting, number recognition, and number quantity skills while having fun feeding the monkey!

Feed the Monkey: Counting Board Game for Toddlers & Preschool

Includes: printable board game, bananas, paper cube with colors

1. Choose a token for each player. This can be a bottle cap, a miniature animal, etc.
2. Divide the bananas equally between all players. (If you need more bananas, print multiple copies of the banana page)
3. The player rolls the paper cube and moves to the next circle that matches the color on the cube.
4. The player says the number that they land on.
5. The player then "feeds" the amount of bananas that matches the number they landed on. (To feed the monkey just place the correct amount of bananas on the monkey's mouth)

Example: Player rolls the cube and gets green. They move to the green circle. The green circle has the number 2 so they feed 2 bananas to the monkey. The players take turns moving around the board and feeding the monkey. The player who arrives at the finish first is the winner.

If you liked this activity you will LOVE our Toddler Matching Pack!


Viviana is a blogging mom to a toddler, a preschooler, and a kindergartner, sharing ideas and resources for early education. She specializes in unique, hands-on printable activities that are educational, fun and inspire creativity in young minds.

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  1. That looks like a fun little game. I think my 3 year old will really enjoy it. :-)

  2. This looks wonderful for my two little monkeys! My dd even has a stuffed monkey who's her baby. Thank you for posting this game.

    1. You're welcome! My daughter loves monkeys too!

  3. What a cute game! My little guy will love it! Thanks for sharing at the Playful Learning Linky!

  4. Ooo, our preschoolers will love playing this game! Thanks for sharing at Babies and Beyond. :)

  5. I am really looking forward to playing this game with my grandchildren. Thank you so much for sharing.
